
Responsible technical management

The Basic Law on Construction, Act LXXVIII of 1997 on the Shaping and Protection of the Built Environment. Act (Étv.) provides for the responsible technical manager's task, responsibility, and the conditions for the continuation of the activity. The Eve. defines the concept of responsible technical management activity, the range of natural and legal persons or organizations without legal personality engaged in the activity. According to the statutory definition, the responsible technical management activity is the management of the construction activity.
Hungarian Chamber of Engineers number: FMV – Ép/ÉV- 08-5373

Construction technical inspection authority

The Basic Law on Construction, Act LXXVIII of 1997 on the Shaping and Protection of the Built Environment. Act (Étv.) provides for the task and responsibility of the construction shift inspector and the conditions for the continuation of the activity. The Eve. defines the concept of construction technical inspection activity, the range of natural and legal persons or organizations without legal personality carrying out the activity. According to the statutory definition, the activity of a construction technical inspector as the on-site agent of the builder is provided by Étv. and performing the tasks specified in the legislation issued on the basis of its authorization, primarily the professionalism of the construction and its implementation according to plan. The construction technical inspector is an important player in the construction process, and promotes and monitors compliance with the relevant legislation, official regulations, standards, contracts and construction documentation throughout the construction construction activity.
Hungarian Chamber of Engineers number: ÉME -ÉV- 08-5373

MKIK number:

e-on Company registered by e-on:
VETr 04712

Touch protection review:
ÉV- 0002/2005

Lightning protection inspection of buildings and structures:
VV- 6/44/6/2005

Complex lightning protection review:

Power Equipment Review:

Fire protection exam Power equipment: